
Stacks provides atomic classes to override margin and padding.

Immutable margin utilities are based on our global white space scale. These can dramatically help reduce the size of large stylesheets and allow for greater flexibility and quicker iteration when designing in the browser.

Margin should never be declared outside of these utilities. This is meant to help create consistency and avoid magic numbers. If, for some reason, the default white space scale does not suit your design, customize and extend it before use.

Abbreviation Definition Responsive?
m margin
mt margin-top
mr margin-right
mb margin-bottom
ml margin-left
mx margin x-axis (left, right)
my margin y-axis (top, bottom)
mxn negative margin x-axis
mtn negative margin-top
mrn negative margin-right
mbn negative margin-bottom
mln negative margin-left
0 0;
1 1px;
2 2px;
4 4px;
6 6px;
8 8px;
12 12px;
16 16px;
24 24px;
32 32px;
48 48px;
64 64px;
96 96px;
128 128px;
<div class="mt8 mr4 mb32 ml64">

Example div with different margins applied
0 1px 2px 4px 6px 8px 12px 16px 24px 32px 48px 64px 96px 128px Responsive?
m .m0 .m1 .m2 .m4 .m6 .m8 .m12 .m16 .m24 .m32 .m48 .m64 .m96 .m128
mt .mt0 .mt1 .mt2 .mt4 .mt6 .mt8 .mt12 .mt16 .mt24 .mt32 .mt48 .mt64 .mt96 .mt128
mr .mr0 .mr1 .mr2 .mr4 .mr6 .mr8 .mr12 .mr16 .mr24 .mr32 .mr48 .mr64 .mr96 .mr128
ml .ml0 .ml1 .ml2 .ml4 .ml6 .ml8 .ml12 .ml16 .ml24 .ml32 .ml48 .ml64 .ml96 .ml128
mb .mb0 .mb1 .mb2 .mb4 .mb6 .mb8 .mb12 .mb16 .mb24 .mb32 .mb48 .mb64 .mb96 .mb128
mx .mx0 .mx1 .mx2 .mx4 .mx6 .mx8 .mx12 .mx16 .mx24 .mx32 .mx48 .mx64 .mx96 .mx128
my .my0 .my1 .my2 .my4 .my6 .my8 .my12 .my16 .my24 .my32 .my48 .my64 .my96 .my128
-1px -2px -4px -6px -8px -12px -16px -24px -32px -48px -64px -96px -128px
mtn .mtn1 .mtn2 .mtn4 .mtn6 .mtn8 .mtn12 .mtn16 .mtn24 .mtn32 .mtn48 .mtn64 .mtn96 .mtn128
mrn .mrn1 .mrn2 .mrn4 .mrn6 .mrn8 .mrn12 .mrn16 .mrn24 .mrn32 .mrn48 .mrn64 .mrn96 .mrn128
mln .mln1 .mln2 .mln4 .mln6 .mln8 .mln12 .mln16 .mln24 .mln32 .mln48 .mln64 .mln96 .mln128
mbn .mbn1 .mbn2 .mbn4 .mbn6 .mbn8 .mbn12 .mbn16 .mbn24 .mbn32 .mbn48 .mbn64 .mbn96 .mbn128
mxn .mxn1 .mxn2 .mxn4 .mxn6 .mxn8 .mxn12 .mxn16 .mxn24 .mxn32 .mxn48 .mxn64 .mxn96 .mxn128
myn .myn1 .myn2 .myn4 .myn6 .myn8 .myn12 .myn16 .myn24 .myn32 .myn48 .myn64 .myn96 .myn128

Stacks provides additional automatic margin classes. These come in handy when positioning individual flex items within flex layouts, or horizontally centering a block-level element.

Direction Class
All directions .m-auto
Top .mt-auto
Right .mr-auto
Bottom .mb-auto
Left .ml-auto
X axis .mx-auto

Immutable padding utilities are based on a global white space scale defined with custom properties. These can dramatically help reduce the size of large stylesheets and allow for greater flexibility and quicker iteration when designing in the browser.

Padding should never be declared outside of these utilities. This is meant to help create consistency and avoid magic numbers. If, for some reason, the default white space scale does not suit your design, customize and extend it before use.

Abbreviation Definition Responsive?
p padding
pt padding-top
pr padding-right
pb padding-bottom
pl padding-left
px padding x-axis (left, right)
py padding y-axis (top, bottom)
0 padding: 0;
1 padding: 1;
2 padding: 2px;
4 padding: 4px;
6 padding: 6px;
8 padding: 8px;
12 padding: 12px;
16 padding: 16px;
24 padding: 24px;
32 padding: 32px;
48 padding: 48px;
64 padding: 64px;
96 padding: 96px;
128 padding: 128px;
<div class="pt4 pr64 pb64 pl64">

Example div with different paddings applied
Prefix 0 1px 2px 4px 6px 8px 12px 16px 24px 32px 48px 64px 96px 128px Responsive?
p .p0 .p1 .p2 .p4 .p6 .p8 .p12 .p16 .p24 .p32 .p48 .p64 .p96 .p128
pt .pt0 .pt1 .pt2 .pt4 .pt6 .pt8 .pt12 .pt16 .pt24 .pt32 .pt48 .pt64 .pt96 .pt128
pr .pr0 .pr1 .pr2 .pr4 .pr6 .pr8 .pr12 .pr16 .pr24 .pr32 .pr48 .pr64 .pr96 .pr128
pl .pl0 .pl1 .pl2 .pl4 .pl6 .pl8 .pl12 .pl16 .pl24 .pl32 .pl48 .pl64 .pl96 .pl128
pb .pb0 .pb1 .pb2 .pb4 .pb6 .pb8 .pb12 .pb16 .pb24 .pb32 .pb48 .pb64 .pb96 .pb128
px .px0 .px1 .px2 .px4 .px6 .px8 .px12 .px16 .px24 .px32 .px48 .px64 .px96 .px128
py .py0 .py1 .py2 .py4 .py6 .py8 .py12 .py16 .py24 .py32 .py48 .py64 .py96 .py128
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